S8 TIGER Series 2 wave dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
S8 TIGER Series 2 wave dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer

The S8 TIGER Series 2 - a new word in performance and analysis flexibility!
Reliability and accuracy are essential for production control and quality management processes. The S8 TIGER X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) is the ideal analytical tool for these applications: With its HighSense technology it achieves optimum sensitivity for all elements from Beryllium (Be) to Americium (Am). The all-new S8 TIGER spectrometer from the S8 TIGER series 2 is perfect for a wide range of applications, including bulk sample analysis, fine particle analysis and elemental distribution plots. Ergonomics and high reliability are critical to ensure efficiency and quality of analytical data. The ease of use of the S8 TIGER Series 2 is achieved through the multilingual TouchControl interface. The EasyLoad sample loaders allow for easy handling of different sample types. The S8 TIGER Series 2 comes with SPECTRAplus, a comprehensive analytical RFA software package that simplifies setup, operation and data monitoring, and increases efficiency. SampleCare technology protects the S8 TIGER Series 2 components and guarantees optimal instrument uptime and low operating costs. The S8 TIGER Series 2 builds on all past generations of VD RFA solutions, with increased uptime and equipment reliability.