S8 LION wave dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer
S8 LION wave dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer

The S8 LION is the fastest of the Bruker AXS spectrometers.
No other analytical method is as robust and cost-effective as X-ray fluorescence analysis. And no other system is as robust and reliable as the S8 LION. The goal of elemental analysis in quality control is to provide the most accurate measurements in the shortest possible time. The speed, accuracy and precision of the results are ensured by the latest technology with highest sensitivity, compact design and optimal channel geometry. The S8 LION spectrometer contains up to sixteen channels adjusted to the 26 elements most important to the cement and mining industry and a dedicated X-ray diffraction channel for free lime analysis! Maximum system lifetime was built into the design of the robust construction - the tube is located above the sample. Because the tube and the element channels are above the sample, the possibility of contamination (by dust or sample particles) is completely eliminated.
particles) is completely eliminated. This guarantees reliable operation of the instrument without any complicated and expensive maintenance or expensive consumables.